Final Cash Settlement Prices Q4 2015
Fri 8 Jan 2016
Please find below the Final Cash Settlement Prices based on the AEMO Regional Reference Prices (RRP) of the National Electricity Market, for the period of 01/10/2015 to 31/12/2015.
Base Month - December-2015
NSW = $44.56
VIC = $48.01
QLD = $43.08
SA = $66.83
Base Quarter - Q4-2015
NSW = $42.37
VIC = $39.57
QLD = $41.58
SA = $52.31
Peak Quarter - Q4-2015
NSW = $51.47
VIC = $52.05
QLD = $50.72
SA = $70.95
$300 Cap Quarter - Q4-2015
NSW = $1.61
VIC = $0.31
QLD = $1.42
SA = $3.96
If you have any queries please contact ASX Energy on 1800 330 101.