ASX Trade 24 User Defined Combination (UDC)

Please see ASX 24 Operating Rules and Procedures on conjunction with the ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX 24 Market) for full details.

On ASX's New Trading Platform (NTP), the User Defined Combination (UDC) functionality provides for the execution of multi-legged strategies that are not offered as exchange defined combinations. Orders may be placed for any combination of up to six outright futures, caps, options, and/or strip contracts on the ASX Trade 24 UDC Market.

Click here for User Defined Combination User guide.

Access to Custom Market orders are available via a number of ASX 24 Participant's front-end systems. Given their non-standard nature, Custom Market trade prices are not disseminated to data vendors but trade volume is reported via the component products that traded.